What We Do

Cities, villages, and settlements of every kind have the same ambition as nations — to provide their people access to food, energy, and water free of pollution. This place-based ambition includes being linked to the rest of the world through technology, especially with the push and pull toward smart zero emission development.

We focus on four overlaps of the food-energy-water nexus that relate to basic city services:

  • Climate-smart agriculture adoption

  • Renewable energy generation

  • Waste-to-energy conversion

  • Sea/wastewater purification

We have a ‘no wrong door’ approach in promoting municipal zero emission development through the commercialization of the following bundled technologies:

  • Carbon stacking, precision agriculture, 5G, and bioaugmentation (for climate-smart agriculture adoption)

  • Solar, wind, fusion, and energy storage (for renewable energy generation)

  • Biomass to biofuel, plastic waste to biodiesel, and wastewater to hydrogen (for WTE conversion)

  • Advanced materials, energy storage, seawater desalination, robotics, AI, and bioaugmentation (for sea/wastewater purification)