Finance Innovation Discovery Survey

The Finance Innovation Discovery Survey (FInD Survey) is designed to support the work of city governments, investment firms, philanthropies, and developer groups in deploying targeted climate finance instruments.

The FInD Survey is also designed to help mature ENTERA, a comprehensive market commitments instrument for local zero-emission development.

The FInD Survey will be open from October 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Help spread the word.

Join us in reforming, and innovating climate finance.

Blending Social & Climate Finance

We deploy development finance and matching funds for zero emission development and a just transition in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin American and the Caribbean, and the Pacific Rim.

We promote social welfare and climate resilience at the same time. We do this to decouple economic development from environmental impacts and unsustainable resource use. We visualize our perspective on the pro-social role of capital below.